(Image: Club Logo) HCC

SEPTEMBER 20, 2008

For the:
Halifax Computer Club
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Sobeys, Clayton Park Software Freedom Day balloon The HCC table
This is a front view of the Sobeys in Clayton Park. This is a photo of a balloon that decorated the Club's area. This is a photo of the Club's table after it was setup.
The HCC Banner Richard McNair talking to people
This is a photo of a close up of the Club's banner. This is a photo Richard McNair talking to some people who were interested in the Club and computers.
Thayne and Richard talking Club members relaxing Ian playing a game
This is a photo of club members Thayne McLean and Richard McNair talk while Ian Fleming works on his laptop. This is a photo of Club members Richard McNair and Ian Fleming are relaxing after a hard day. Ian Fleming relaxes with a video game.
Ubuntu 8.04.1 CD cover SFD sticker SFD Button
This is the cover of Ubuntu 8.04.1 Desktop Edition which were handed out at the Software Freedom Day event. This is a Software Freedom Day sitcke whis were handed out at the event as well. This is a Software Freedom Day button which were given to Club members who came to the event.

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