A null processing cycle in which nothing occurs so that
slower devices and RAM can catch up with the CPU.
Warm Boot:
A computer's restart procedure that referrs to reseting
the computer without turning off the power. Unlike a
cold boot, which does everything a warm boot does plus
resets hardware devices such as internal modems, a warm
boot only flushes memory, resets drivers, and reloads
the operating system.
Characters such as the `?' (question mark) and `*'
(asterisk) which stand for any other character or
characters thta my stand in their places.
A proprietary graphical operating system from Microsoft.
Originally, developed from DOS, it allows multitasking
in multiple windows controlled through a system of menus.
A computer that runs applications and serves as an
access point within a Local Area Network (LAN).
(Wissy-wig) What You See Is What You Get An
acronym for programs designating that what you see
on the screen is what the final result will look like.